We’ve all heard the saying, “Location! Location! Location!” right? It usually applies to a brick and mortar business model that’s trying to lure customers through an easily accessible door that’s preferably in a good neighborhood. Well that’s all fine and good for Big Al’s Tire Emporium and Wonderland, but what if you’re not trying to sell Tires or whatever else Big Al is pushing? What if you’re in the “business” of fundraising for non profits? What then? What great marketing sayings and solutions have you got in your hip pocket? Well according to BigduckNYC dot com, when it comes to fundraising for nonprofit organizations, the mantra needs to be, “Connection! Connection! Connection!.” More than anything else, non-profits live and die on donor retention. Although they might receive a nice coffee mug or gift certificate to a local eatery upon engaging with your cause, the truth is, is that they are giving more than they’re taking.
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