many non-profit organizations, mission
trips are a huge and important aspect, especially religious
institutions. Mission trips give members an opportunity to travel to
places in need of assistance. However, organizations that embrace the
mission trip model often face a difficult challenge: Figuring out how
to fund these trips.
recent years, organizations are increasingly embracing online
fundraising tools to raise money more quickly. If you haven’t tried
it yourself, be aware that these days, you’ll usually find the
staunchest financial supporters your charity can ever have within the
digital world.
exactly are more and more organizations raising funds for their
mission trips online? It’s not necessarily that online fundraising
is an altogether different way of raising money. In fact, it employs
much of the same tried-and-tested fundraising methods you’ve always
used for your mission trips, albeit with a few changes.
it better facilitates the donation process. All your donors need to
do is click a few buttons. Second, you’ve got the entire world as
your audience, allowing you to spread your fundraising message far
and wide via email and social media.
of online fundraising as the next logical phase of traditional
mission trip fundraising. If you’re still using pen and paper to
raise funds for your organization, perhaps it’s time to divert some
of your efforts online.
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